Next, the Society had space in the historic Lafayette County courthouse in the center of the square in Oxford.
“But above all, the courthouse: the center, the focus, the hub; sitting looming in the center of the county’s circumference like a single cloud in its ring of horizon, laying its vast shadow to the uttermost rim of horizon; musing, brooding, symbolic and ponderable, tall as cloud, solid as rock, dominating all: protector of the weak, judiciate and curb of the passions and lusts, repository and guardian of the aspirations and hopes.”
– William Faulkner, Requiem For a Nun

With our expanding collection, the Society then moved to the first floor of the Lafayette County and Oxford Public Library. Continuing to grow, We then moved to our current location on the second floor of the library in a room titled the Kerin Coffey Magdovitz Genealogy and History Research Room. Most people call it the Genealogy Room.

The Board of Aldermen and the Mayor of Oxford along with the citzens of Oxford and the Lafayette County Board of Supervisors have been, and continue to be, supportive of the Society and our programs. We have received several donations from businesses and civic groups in Oxford. We also recognize the staff of the Oxford Public library for their daily efforts on our behalf. Our thanks to all of these groups for their continued support.
We also appreciate our volunteers who continue the work of those who established the Society and shaped its early years. Mr. Walker Coffey was a major contributor and leader for the Society. Another of our long-time volunteers, Dr. Wil St. Amand, greeted visitors for years in our Genealogy Room. Patricia Young worked countless hours on developing some of our publications. And Maxine Karr kept up with our finances as treasurer. We are proud to follow them and their leading by example.

Coffey St. Amand Young Karr
We are a tax-exempt, 501C-3 charitable and educational organization supported by donations, dues from members and sales of our publications. We look forward to the future and continuing to increase our resources to help people explore their roots in Lafayette County, explore Mississippi history and learn.