P. O. Box 1382
Oxford, MS 38655
The physical address is: Lafayette County and Oxford Public Library
401 Bramlett Blvd.
Oxford, MS 38655
Our official website is: LafayetteGenealogy.org
The telephone number is: 662-234-5751. Ask to be transferred to the Genealogy
Room or leave a message for a call back.
The Genealogy Room is staffed most afternoons
and Friday morning by volunteers.
You may also submit an email inquiry to our president using the address shown below.
Volunteer workers are always welcome!
Here are our officers serving until January, 2025:
President, Max Hipp mhipp3489@gmail.com
Vice-President, Don Locke donlocke2012@gmail.com
Secretary, Frank Walker fwalker@maxxsouth.net
Corresponding Secretary, Kay Ayers kna54gen@nym.hush.com
Librarian, Edith Dooley edithdooley@yahoo.com
Newsletter Editor, Paula Tingle-Hervey paulita6767@gmail.com
Treasurer and website, Bill Freeman wpfree53@gmail.com